Senin, 30 Januari 2012

Singer Brian publically makes an apology to Super Junior’s Si Won

Singer Brian publically made an apology to Super Junior’s Si Won.
On January 29, Brian tweeted, “I overstated about Si Won for fun while filming a show. I truly apologize. I did that for fun because I feel intimate to him. I hope you guys don’t get me wrong.” He is a really nice and polite fellow. I love you, Si Won.”
In response to people’s comments encouraging him, Brian added, “Thanks for understanding me. Both Siwon and I are good lads. Si Won, sorry for the trouble.”
On the episode of MBC’s Three Roundabouts that aired on January 28, Brian appeared and revealed, “Si Won often visits my place and takes away clothes and accessories that I bought abroad.”
Netizens responded: “Hope your friendship last forever.” “I guess Siwon could do that because he felt intimate to Brian, too.”
Brian is currently active with his newly released song.
Source: TV Report,

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